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Martin Sisters Publishing Company, Inc. began operations in 2010. We started small with one book, then two, and so on. The company now lists over 100 titles in print and e-book and boasts a place in the Top 50 Indie Publishers listing in the annual Writer’s Digest Magazine. MSP is a traditional, royalties-paying, no-fees-of-any-kind, publisher. Authors do not pay anything at our company -- our publishing company makes money when authors sell books, as it should be.


MSP now has three authors who began their writing careers with MSP and have literary agents. One is now writing for Penguin Random House, and another is writing for Penguin Berkley. I suspect that the third will join those ranks shortly now that she is agented.


The literary world is changing – the days of winning the literary lottery have long since passed. However, one thing that hasn’t changed is quality storytelling that can soften hearts and strengthen minds. That’s why MSP is here – to help you tell your story, find a home for your work, so you can move on to the next creative endeavor.

MSP is small but mighty, with more than 25 talented editors working all over the country and a half a dozen creative cover artists and now, small group of illustrators.


As Martin Sisters Publishing passed its 10th anniversary on October 1, 2020, I was amazed at how quickly we had grown, how much we learned, and the amount of amazingly talented writers we met and contracted. Since then, we've added two new imprints --- Martin & Miller Publishing, our non-fiction imprint, and Just Us Books, our advocacy, diversity, and equity imprint.


Please read about our authors and take a look at their work.


Keep writing and reading. Thank you for dropping by.



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