When you're ready to
Martin Sisters Publishing is accepting queries for all genres of fiction (including science fiction and fantasy); and non-fiction (including self-help), these submissions may include Christian fiction and inspirational. We are now also accepting books of poetry, and we encourage those advocacy creatives to consider our new imprint JustUs Books.
Submissions may also include collections of stories. In order to be considered for publication, manuscripts must be between 60,000 to 95,000 words in length.
Martin Sisters Publishing is not accepting submissions for torrid or any books containing extreme violence.
Please place your query letter, marketing plan, and the first 5-10 pages of your manuscript (if you are submitting fiction) directly into your e-mail. Any e-mails sent to us with an attachment, that is not specifically requested, will be unopened and deleted.
If we request follow up materials, you will be instructed on how to send those materials to us.
Place the words “submission” in the subject line of your e-mail then the “fiction,” “non-fiction,” “Christian fiction,” or “Inspirational,” and the working title of your manuscript.
For example: submission fiction Red Sun Rising
The response time to your query letter can be anywhere from five minutes to six weeks, depending on how busy we are. If you have not heard back from us within six weeks, please feel free to send a short e-mail, letting us know you are still waiting.
One of the biggest misconceptions about the world of book publishing is that authors get to write while publishers sell their books. While MSP will work very hard to market your book, the true success of any book comes from the author’s willingness to put themselves and their work into the marketplace. This can include media contacts you may already have, a fan base you have already collected, book events you plan to attend, signings at bookstores, etc.
The marketing plan you send is important. We want to know that you are willing to work hard to promote your book.
Martin Sisters Publishing is a traditional royalties-paying publisher. Authors are not charged for editing, design or marketing services.
Please read the Aspiring Author’s section before submitting your materials.
If you've already read the Aspiring Author's section, then send us a submission at submissions(@)martinsisterspublishing.com